And On The Eighth Day
Extinction Song
I, alone, am the last of my kind
destined to die and leave nothing behind
but a legend
never again will the earth know my soul
forever and ever the seas will roll—
full of my emptiness
ah, but once I was noble and proud in my song
my brothers were many, my children were strong
but they hunted and slaughtered until we were gone…
…I, alone, am the last of my kind

I, alone, am the last of my kind
destined to die and leave nothing behind
but a paragraph
never again will my wings stir the air
no heart will ever behold wings so fair
skies are silent
ah, but once, I rode heaven and soared wild and free
my kingdom stretched farther than my eyes could see
but civilization left no place for me…
…I, alone, am the last of my kind
I, alone, am the last of my kind
destined to die and leave nothing behind
but a memory
never again will the moon hear my howl
never again will the likes of me prowl
through the vacant woods
ah, but once, I sang power that shattered the sky
and the heavens and earth had seen none such as I
but they trapped and they poisoned and left me to die…
…I, alone, am the last of my kind
I, alone, am the last of my kind
destined to die and leave nothing behind
but a tragedy
Never again will the world bear my greed
nothing could satisfy my endless need
earth is barren
ah, but once, I knew power and glory and pride—
and my lust for possessions would not be denied
so, I pillaged the earth and was not satisfied…
…I, alone, am the last of my kind
destined to die and leave nothing, nothing behind
Kitty Roxanna Connell
Wow, Kitty such a powerful poem!!! Your writing has always moved me deep inside and caresses my soul. You truly are a gifted writer . I feel so honored that we have stayed connected over the years.